Simple Summer Essentials

Summer days can get really hot. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does cause us to dress in a simple and comfortable manner in order to keep cool. When we think of dressing comfortably, we automatically  work with basics (tshirts,  shorts, etc), so why not stick to those basics, but add a few touches!

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Without sacrificing all your style, you can do a few things to your basic outfits to spiff them up:

-Roll your tshirt's sleeves once or twice

-Tuck your shirt in (it's stylish, I promise, just don't pull your pants up too high like Steve Urkel)

-Pinroll or simply roll up your pants once or twice

-Throw in a funky and breathable sock. (Don't know where to start? Pair of Thieves has a great selection)

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Here are a few essentials that keep you looking and feeling cool:

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Grab yourself a Daniel Wellington watch, or something similar. Colourful, fun and straight to the point.

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Your shades are a key component of your look. Grab a stylish frame, like these Bohten ones!

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Joe Fresh has a great pair of solid white sneakers for only $50. You can't go wrong.

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If you have any questions as to what else you could do to style up your basics, don't hesitate to give me a shout!

Thank you to Reeny Im for the photos! Great friend and a great photographer. Check out more of her work here!

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